
What Does The Flag In Animal Farm Symbolize

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Animal Farm (book)

Terminal modified: 2016-03-nineteen past peter hans van den muijzenberg
Keywords: fauna farm | orwell (george) | manor subcontract |
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  • Introduction
  • Farm timeline
  • Brute farm
    • Origin and symbolism
    • Published design with separated symbols
    • Conjectural design with conjoined symbols
      • Square version with large centred emblem
    • Imprint for spontaneous demonstration
  • Manor Farm

Come across also:

  • Fictional flags similar to the flag of the USSR
  • Fictional flags in books
  • Fictional flags


  • Text of Animate being Subcontract on Project Gutenberg Commonwealth of australia
  • Wikipedia on Brute Farm


Animal Farm is a book past George Orwell, published in 1945. The story is largely a criticism of soviet-manner communism.
Stuart A. Notholt, 23 December 1998, and Marc Pasquin, 14 June 2005

Subcontract timeline

A short (flag-centric) history to give context to the flags:

Kickoff year
21 June
Rebellion at "Manor Farm"
22 June
The subcontract is renamed "Animal Farm"
A dark-green flag with a white hoof and horn is introduced (designed by Snowball)
12 October
The battle of the Cowshed
Third year
The Battle of the Windmill – Later a ornament is created past Napoleon, called: The Order of the Light-green Banner.
Fourth year
Spontaneous Demonstrations (maybe earlier)
Animal Farm is declared a republic
Eight yr (estimate)
Early Summer
  • The address "Comrade" is dropped;
  • The farm is renamed "Manor Farm";
  • A new apparently greenish flag is flown.

Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg, five June 2002

Brute Farm

The beginning flag was the flag of Animal Farm, and was evidently used by the democracy too.
Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg, 5 June 2002

Origin and symbolism

Quoting from Animal Farm, 1945 (Snowball is i of the porcine leaders of the revolution):

Snowball had establish in the harness-room an sometime green tablecloth of Mrs Jones'south and had painted on information technology a hoof and a horn in white. This was run upwardly the flagstaff in the farmhouse garden every Lord's day forenoon. The flag was green, Snowball explained, to represent the greenish fields of England, while the horn and the hoof signified the future Republic of the Animals which would arise when the human race had finally been overthrown.

Stuart A. Notholt, 23 December 1998

Published pattern with split symbols

The Penguin Books paperback edition of the book, shows the flag on the cover. Continue in mind, that merely because this flag appeared on the comprehend of this item edition of the volume, that doesn't hateful that this is the official interpretation of how the flag should wait. Since it has been published and sold to the thousands, this blueprint does have a fictional "existence" of its ain, merely it would be interesting to know the author'south ideas.
António Martins xvi June 2005, and David Kendall, 14 & 16June 2005

The flag in that illustration seems to me to exist of roughly 2:iii proportion, rather than the Soviet-style 1:2.
Eugene Ipavec, 16 June 2005

Conjectural design with conjoined symbols

[Ratio 1:2, symbols as hammer and sickle in canton]
image past Marc Pasquin, fourteen June 2005

Because that the story is largely a criticism of soviet-style communism, information technology occured to me that a soviet-style blueprint might be what George Orwell had in mind for the flag.
Marc Pasquin, 14 June 2005

Marc'due south drawing is probably more accurate than the cover version, as Orwell was indeed parodying the Soviet political organization. It'south probably closest to what the writer intended, even if the "hoof and horn" is a bit also "fancy" for something a hog is supposed to have painted (as per the novel). Simply since a drawing was not provided in the original text, one tin only guess.
David Kendall, xiv & 16 June 2005

Foursquare version with large centred emblem

At Wikipedia is yet another version of the flag of the Animal Democracy.
Chrystian Kretowicz, five October 2009

Imprint for spontaneous demonstration

Autonomously from the dark-green flag, there's also mention of another greenish banner, used in the weekly "Spontaneous Demonstrations":

Boxer and Clover ever carried between them a green banner marked with the hoof and the horn and the caption, 'Long Alive Comrade Napoleon!'

It's not mentioned whether in later years the green banner may take been used by other animals than the ones mentioned, but later on the early on summer of the eight twelvemonth of the narrative information technology might no longer have been accounted politically correct, as it is based on the old flag, and uses the address "comrade".
Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg, 5 June 2002

Estate Subcontract

image past António Martins, 21 February 2012

The hoof and horn eventually disappeared from the flag, as did much of the ceremonial surrounding its use.
Stuart A. Notholt, 23 Dec 1998

The flag change is described as (paraphrasing the words of the leader of the republic):

His visitors might have observed, as well, the green flag which flew from the masthead. If so, they would perhaps have noted that the white hoof and horn with which it had previously been marked had now been removed. Information technology would be a obviously green flag from now onwards.

Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg, 5 June 2002


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