
What Is A Gardener Poem

Gardeners love all things gardens and gardening, and most of the time we love being busy in the garden, or in the kitchen preserving our precious bounty. However, we're also creators at heart with a love of nature, which includes nurturing our nature with garden poems and poetry.

So please scroll through and enjoy these garden poems contributed by the GardensAll community and also our sister brand,, where you might enjoy a garden metaphor.

Garden Poetry

Blooming Poems and Garden Poetry


What if beauty was food?
Would you be nourished or starving?
Would you be rich or poor?
Would your heart be replete
or your life incomplete?
What is blooming
at your door?

~Debra Yvonne Mathis, gardener, poet, artist
GARDEN POETRY: Blooming Poems and Garden Poetry  #Gardening #GardensAll #GardenArt #Poem #Quotes
~Debra Yvonne Mathis, gardener, poet, artist

Garden Poems


My body sits restful on this shore
My mind is idle and in a bore
My heart yearns for something more
And I thought of a garden

Daisies dancing in my mind
Regal roses smell so fine
Glads stand tall in a line
In my dream of a garden

Shovel and spade ready to toil
As I push and dig in heavy soil
It's so hot my blood will boil
As I construct a garden

Rain and sun come from above
In a tree is a cooing dove
My heart is now filled with love
When I grow a garden

Permeating scents of mints and balm
As loud cicadas sing their song
All of this is peaceful calm
As I walk throughout a garden

Taters, maters, cukes delight
Each are worth all the plight
To have a plethora of food in sight
All because of a garden

Nutrition and light will deploy
Fill my soul with enduring joy
Freedom of heart I now employ
Within the banks of a garden

My soul is filled and now I know
As I watched my garden grow
All of this food to bestow
With the harvest of a garden

Twirling circles in a dance
Wildly moving in a trance
Now I know I have a chance
It is all because of a garden

~Shannon Schofield, poet, writer, gardener
Garden Poem by Shannon DeAnna Schofield #GardenPoem #GardenPoetry #GardensAll
~Shannon Schofield, poet, writer, gardener

Between Soil and Sky

Garden Poem by Debra Yvonne Mathis

There are the times of connection,
then there is the letting go…
once in a while,
someone's hand is in mine,
but mostly,
I do not know.
Words sometimes visit me,
other times, I am bereft,
and what I experience is lost to the aethers,
and only mist is left.
But the garden is simply the garden,
perhaps blooming,
perhaps not,
I may be waiting on seeds to emerge with identities,
or instead, gathering compost to rot.
Yet the garden is just the garden.
It has a unified place;
whether blooming or going to seed,
this is its shifting face.
The soil is under my feet,
the sky touches my face,
and all my sorrows and leavings,
I give to this place.
All my griefs and grudges,
I put in the compost to change,
all my prayers and wishes,
to reality rearrange….
so when drought comes upon me,
may my faith bear me up;
when floods arrive and astound me,
may I still bear the full cup,
for the garden is the garden,
and I know blessings in its space,
with the soil touching my feet,
and the sky kissing my face.

By Debra Yvonne Mathis, gardener, poet

Garden Songs & Lyrics

One of our most favorite garden songs ever by Lukas Nelson, who sounds so much like his dad, Willie.

Turn Off The News And Build a Garden

Song by Lukas Nelson, with Willie Nelson & Micah Nelson (Quarantunes Evening Session)


I believe that every heart is kind
Some are just a little underused
Hatred is a symptom of the times
Lost in these uneducated blues

I just want to love you while I can
All these other thoughts have me confused
I don't need to try and understand
Maybe I'll get up, turn off the news

Turn off the news and build a garden
Just my neighborhood and me
We might feel a bit less hardened
We might feel a bit more free

Turn off the news and raise your kids
Give them something to believe in
Teach them how to be good people
Give them hope that they can see
Hope that they can see

Turn off the news and build a garden with me

Trust builds trust
All that negativity's a bust
Trust builds trust
Don't you wanna be happy?

Turn off the news and build a garden
Just my neighborhood and me
We might feel a bit less hardened
We might feel a bit more free

Turn off the news and raise the kids
Give them something to believe in
Teach them how to be good people
Give them hope that they can see
Hope that they can see

Turn off the news and build a garden with me
Turn off the news and build a garden with me

Timber Poems and Garden Poetry


The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain,
Never became a forest king
But lived and died a scrubby thing.

The man who never had to toil
To gain and farm his patch of soil,
Who never had to win his share
Of sun and sky and light and air,
Never became a manly man
But lived and died as he began.

Good timber does not grow with ease:
The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
The further sky, the greater length;
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.

Where thickest lies the forest growth,
We find the patriarchs of both.
And they hold counsel with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife.
This is the common law of life.

Douglas Malloch, poet, short stories, editor-American Lumberman 1877-1938

Poems About Bees

Since pollinators are essential to gardening, and some gardeners also have bees, we're sharing these bee poems from a gardener-beekeeper in our community.

Shannon Schofield is a beekeeper, poet, writer, and business owner pursuing her market gardening and homesteading dreams that include the best honey in Alabama (an award received), and growing and selling herbal teas. Shannon is a moderator for the Planting for Retirement group as well as a member of the iCreateDaily for Creators Facebook group.

CONTRIBUTOR: Shannon DeAnna Schofield:
This poem was written after I was attacked by my bees.  I approached the colony after eating a banana,  That's a HUGE NO!  Their warning pheromone smells like bananas.  When I popped their top they rushed me.  I started running, with the top cover filled with angry bees still in my hand.  Momma saw me and started to run over to help.  "NOOOOOOOO!!!"

Never help a beekeeper who's running. All you can do is pray bahaha!  I finally tossed the top cover, still full of angry bees, into the woods and ran through a bush to lose the bees.  When I calmed down and got all the stingers out of me I sat down to find the strength to go back in.  These words came….I went back in.

Bees!! Poems and Garden Poetry


As I pop the top off of this hive
My heart is pounding
I'm so alive!
This buzz is booming so loud
I'll pop this top and be so proud

I am a beekeeper,  you see
This buzz is now a part of me
Bumping and thumping and buzzing all day
Can I help these ladies find a way?
They are keeping me today

Among this chaos is so much calm
Watching them helps me along
I see them labor and I do care
I could watch them for hours in their lair

Each time something new to learn
Oh that sweet honey I will earn
I'll pop this top so I can see
I might bee a keeper but it's them keeping me

~Shannon Schofield, poet, writer, author, gardener beekeeper

Beekeeping Tips:

  • Never eat bananas before tending your bees
  • Never help a beekeeper who's running!

Never help a beekeeper who's running!
~Shannon Schofield, author, gardener, beekeeper

CONTRIBUTOR: Shannon DeAnna Schofield:
This poem was written after I lost a colony of bees to wax moths.  I saved Queen Latifah and she was put in a queenless colony that was rescued from a house near me.  They are at my bee mama's house so she can nurse them back to health.  I'll get her back in the spring.

My bee association is having this poem added to their education booklet that we give those who take our classes.  It's wonderful that I can now express my feelings so well in such a healthy way.  I celebrate failure and what better way to do that than with a catchy poem that will get new keeper's attention.


First year was sweet as honey
80 pounds, made a little money
Second year started off grand
With 68 pounds of spring in my hands.

But things began to go awry.
I did one thing with another to try.
Something was wrong as I took a look.
Oh no!  There's wax moths in that nook!

How do I save them?
Too precious to condemn.
Can I find a way?
They need my help big time today.

Month after month and thing after thing
I could not keep the colony clean.
Bee after bee, they are dying so fast.
What can I do to make them last?

One last look I can see there's hope,
It is Queen Latifah and she's looking dope.
She's a little thin but with a strong will
How can I save this Queen still?

Where lives a Queen hope will reign
Though it will cost a little pain
Mind your Beeswax
to avoid the death tax.

Watch your bee space!
We all know they race
Getting ahead will leave you behind
That does not help them.
That is not kind.

Once moths come it's a matter to see.
Even IPM can not save these bees.

Latifah lasted months with hard work and heart.
Now she has a new chance to start
In a new home with new friends
May her reign last long until the end.

~Shannon Schofield, poet, writer, author, gardener beekeeper

Harvest Poems and Memories

CONTRIBUTOR, Debra Yvonne Mathis is a GardensAll and Planting for Retirement community member. Debra is one of the most prolific gardeners, canners and preservers we've seen. She's always busy growing and making something wonderful, including garden poetry, which we're sharing here with you.


The hard yellow pears hung accusingly for days,
and several simply dried upon the branch,
exuding their somewhat sweet nectar
to the joy of uncountable ants.

With no sure venue for their sale,
even morphed into a buttery shmear,
I was willing to leave them to their demise this year.
But it seemed my grandmother stood behind me,
a disapproving whisper at my ear.

That is your harvest,
it's food in your pantry,
a gift of this season,
waste not, want not.

I don't even like pear butter, grandmother,
the pears are so hard to peel,
And other objections formed in my mind,
but died unspoken.

Truth speaks plain,
often in a quiet, but firm voice,
and it almost seems there is no choice
but to proceed.

Hours later, hands aching, perhaps half the fruit
now simmers in a pot,
and the scent is homey and sweet,
accented with lemon and ginger.

Perhaps I cannot sell the pear butter.
Perhaps it is not my personal favorite, but
simmered into a smooth, buttery cream,
the pear butter seems less mean,
and more like a true gift of the season,
as a certain ghost pointed out,
or was that a dream?

~Deborah Yvonne Mathis 10.11.16, gardener, creator
Pear Blossom image by Debra Yvonne Mathis on
Pear Blossom image and poem by Debra Yvonne Mathis, published on
Pear butter and cheese
Cheese and pear butter… just add some homemade bread and elderberry wine!

Walls – Garden Walls Poem

My Heart a Garden Is, a Garden Walled

And in the wide white spaces near the gates
Grow tall and showy flowers, sun-loving flowers,
Where they are seen of every passer-by;
Who straightway faring on doth bear the tale
How bright my garden is and filled with sun.

But there are shaded walks far from the gates,
So far the passer-by can never see,
Where violets grow for thoughts of those afar,
And rue for memories of vanished days,
And sweet forget-me-nots to bid me think

With tenderness, lest I grow utter cold
And hard as women grow who never weep.
And when come times I fear that Love is dead
And Sorrow rules as King the world's white ways,
I go with friends I love among these beds.
Where friend and flower do speak alike to me,
Sometimes with silences, sometimes with words.

'Tis then I thank my God for those high walls
That shut the friends within, the world without,
That passers-by may only see the sun.
That friends I love may share the quiet shade.

~by William Brooks, 1918
(no additional info has been found on this author; please let us know if you have additional bio info)

See also our garden memes and quotes article.


Spring Poetry


Crocus whispering
To my hungry ears today
Spring will be here soon

~Shannon Schofield, poet, writer, gardener

RELATED: How to write a haiku poem

Winter Poetry

Winter Thoughts by Martha Stevens Grow

If you're interested in growing food for profit or to supplement your retirement food supply, you're invited to join the Planting for Retirement Facebook group.

You'll find more on preserving food here and garden memes to enjoy and share here.

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What Is A Gardener Poem


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